Objectives of the program

Overall Object: To increase equal access to quality basic education in a safe learning environment for hardest to reach children in urban slums of Dhaka and Chittagong and mainstream students into the formal education system or into other educational alternatives.

Specific Objective 1: Increased access to and completion of child friendly pre-primary and non-formal primary education has been achieved for hardest to reach urban working children or those at risk of becoming working children.

Specific Objective 2: Opportunities for continuing formal or non-formal education beyond the provision of basic education have been increased for the hardest to reach urban working children or those at risk of becoming working children.

Specific Objective 3: Inclusiveness and quality of primary education structures in the target area have been improved.

OWDEB Target

OWDEB Target: 1500 pre-primary learners, 1428 two years NFPE, 2648 three years NFPE, 3000 parents, 625 employers, 14400 formal school students 384 formal school teachers& SMC. 5 Compounds.

Brief Summary:

The Quality education and mainstreaming in formal school both are coordinate with Non formal Education of SUSTAIN Project has implemented various interventions targeted at improving the quality of education. As a result, 62% students have mainstreaming within 726 students in the last year and also most of the NFE students have increased cultural participation, culture exercise, physical improvement of their knowledge and information collection and mobilization and also 1324 students have completed grade III &IV and they have also achieved 85-90% competency according to their syllabus.

1528 boys and 1379 girls (2050 NFE student & 857 formal and community children) have participated in co-curricular activities in the compound area. They have interacted with the various stakeholders at the community & local level showed by cultural events, sports and debate and also increased their ownership of child club.

OWDEB have completed 15 parenting sessions to each of the 500 parents and 100 employees in every year. Parents and employee provided positive attention of student attendance and their performance and they have important role to play in overall PSC student attended in PSC Exam centre and also enriched their ownership of the Compound.

Awareness campaigns and advocacy actions conducted through a total of 24 NFPE students in the 5project wards on “hidden” tuition fees and the program held in target area. 10 theater teams have role play on “Subojar Jibon” in Formal School and Community. Here they have addressed NFE student(Working children) situation, life style, their dreams on high education and lat the end of theatre they performed how to hidden tuition as a big problem to enroll in formal school and broken their education. They concerned that it’s much needed of urban working children to access formal education without any tuition.